Brief Summary
This video is a sales training session led by Bill Walsh, focusing on overcoming the common objection "Let me think about it." Bill emphasizes that this objection is a smokescreen and the real issue lies in the prospect's underlying fears, concerns, or logistical challenges. He outlines a process to uncover these real objections and then address them effectively. The video includes role-playing scenarios and practical advice for handling objections in various sales situations.
- Key takeaway: Don't overcome the objection, overcome the person.
- Key takeaway: Uncover the real objection behind "Let me think about it" to address it effectively.
Introduction & Welcome
Bill Walsh welcomes participants to the sales training session and introduces the topic of overcoming the "Let me think about it" objection. He emphasizes the importance of understanding that this objection is often a smokescreen for deeper concerns.
Overcoming the "Let me think about it" Objection
Bill explains that the "Let me think about it" objection is a common tactic used by prospects to avoid making a decision. He emphasizes that the real issue lies in the prospect's underlying fears, concerns, or logistical challenges. He suggests that instead of trying to overcome the objection directly, salespeople should focus on overcoming the person's hesitation.
The "Think About It" Game
Bill engages in a role-playing exercise with participants to demonstrate how to handle the "Let me think about it" objection. He guides them through a series of questions designed to uncover the real reason behind the prospect's hesitation.
Uncovering the Real Objection
Bill explains that the "Let me think about it" objection is often a way for prospects to say "no" without directly rejecting the offer. He emphasizes the importance of using neutral language and avoiding words like "could," "might," or "should," which create uncertainty. He encourages salespeople to use the word "can" instead, which conveys confidence and certainty.
The Power of "Yeses"
Bill emphasizes the importance of getting multiple "yeses" from the prospect to shift their mindset from negativity to positivity. He explains that by asking questions that lead to "yes" responses, salespeople can build momentum and increase the likelihood of a sale.
Identifying the Real Problem
Bill explains that the real objection behind "Let me think about it" is often related to fear, money, logistics, or time. He emphasizes that these are the only objections that prospects will genuinely consider.
The Importance of Persistence
Bill emphasizes the importance of persistence in sales. He uses the analogy of learning to ride a bike to illustrate that failure is a part of the process and that giving up after a single setback will prevent success.
Handling Objections in B2B Sales
Bill addresses the question of whether objection handling differs in B2B versus B2C sales. He explains that the underlying principles remain the same, but the sales process is often longer in B2B due to multiple decision-makers and approvals.
Bill concludes the session by reiterating the importance of mastering objection handling. He emphasizes that it is a crucial skill for success in sales and that by consistently practicing these techniques, salespeople can significantly increase their closing rates.